Advertising has changed the traditional ways for a brand to get attention.
People are cutting cable. Print media is dying. Adblock use is prevalent.
More and more Brands turn toward product placement and influencer marketing. When you can seamlessly place your Brand into the content your audience already wants to watch and have someone they trust react to it in a favorable way, you have a true recipe for success. But, it is also a potential recipe for disaster: FTC scrutiny.
We aren’t just your lawyer, we're part of your team. Don’t go this path alone. Let us help!
It is essential to navigate this space and disclose endorsements in a way that makes it clear to all that something was sponsored. This can be done in an ethical, fair, and legal way that is incredibly effective. The penalties for non-compliance can be swift and painful and are best avoided from the onset.
We’ve helped sign deals opposite some of the biggest Brands and Influencers in today’s culture. Your Brand’s reputation matters, and these deals can be incredibly complex. As an example, both parties need to be a good fit for each other or everyone’s time has been wasted.
We can help you navigate a Brand Services Agreement and all the complexities that come with it.
Click the button over there to get started today.
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